Let's End Your Food and Body Battle!


Feel free around food.

Learn to live, be, eat, and nourish without obsessing over calories, tracking, or diet fads.

Make peace with your body.

Discover how to drop the body battle rope and feel the difference ripple across your life. 

Support your health from a place of self-care, not self-control.

If you're tired of chasing confusing nutrition advice and a 'healthy' weight AND you still want to support your health, this membership is for you.

Join me, and my beautiful community inside The Body Light Collective where you can explore non-diet nutrition frameworks, debunk diet culture myths, and reclaim your role as not only a friend but the expert on your body.

Yes Please!

Diet Culture has messed up your relationship with food and your body.


It's not you; it's the toxic messaging that derails true self-care. With my monthly guidance and small group coaching within a supportive, like-minded community, you've found a safe place to unlearn diet culture and relearn nourishing practices based on self-care, not self-control.




A community membership supporting you to ditch diet culture & heal your relationship with food and body.



You will learn;

How to disconnect from the broken record food and body noise that has kept you trapped for so long.

To reconnect with your body, and natural intuitive eater in you that has been smothered by diet culture. 

You have always been the expert of you, you've just gotten a little lost on the way.

This membership supports you step by step to:

  • Break up with diet culture.
    • Understand the sneaky shape-shifting ways it has impacted your relationship with food and body.
  • Untangle your messy relationship with food.
    • You haven't been taught how to nourish, you have been taught how to diet which is why it's hard to know what 'healthy eating' even means anymore.
  • Relearn supportive non-diet nutrition frameworks.
    • Non-Diet Nutrition allows us to acknowledge and respect that food does play a role in our health and wellbeing and this is how we can use it as a tool rather than a weapon.
  • Heal your body image. 
    • Explore what body image, how it has shaped your world and start making your way to being your own bodies buddy.

We're going to explore, then nurture and nourish yourself like never before!

Learn More

Explore Non Diet Nutrition


We will explore Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating and other (BS free) non diet nutrition frameworks to help you feel more confident about your eating experience. You will not only be coached through each framework but also how to implement each of them into your life if they feel right for you.

Ditch Diet Culture


Understand the sneaky shape-shifting ways diet culture has impacted your relationship with food and body. You haven't been taught how to nourish, you have been taught how to diet which is why it's hard to know what 'healthy eating' even means anymore.

Nourishment for Self Care


I am all about supporting you to change your mindset around nutrition for health. Yes of course food contains nutrients AND it's so much more than simply the nutrients it contains. Learn how to use food as a tool to support well-being with self-care rather than self-control.

Understanding Our Own Story


Learn what shapes our body image and dive into your own body image story. We explore the what, where, when and how of body image and things got so messy. You will learn why your body image noise actually has little to do with your physical body. You get to explore your body image goals and intentions of healing.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall


We deep dive into our self-talk and the body comparison trap. Find freedom from your body noise (our internal dialogue based in fear and shame) that plays on repeat in your heart and mind.

Body Image Self Care


Learn the practical strategies you need to build your body image toolkit, shift that dialogue, and finally start seeing yourself as the incredible human you are. 



Healing thrives in connection + community.


Put your learning into practice with monthly live small-group coaching sessions. This is where you get exclusive access to me for coaching and support as you unlearn diet culture and relearn this new language.

Join our monthly live calls to get your questions answered, set intentions, overcome roadblocks, and clarify your next steps. These sessions are guided by your needs, providing a confidential space to explore new concepts and ideas.

Accountability and support  are crucial for change. Learning with a community facing similar struggles is powerful and inspiring.

I can't wait to connect and learn about you, your story, and your challenges.


I need this in my life!



A human, being 

A chocolate enthuiast

A nature lover

A mumma, a wife & a friend

And so much more

I spent decades at war with my body. Losing and gaining the same weight in a miserable cycle of either feeling deprived or out of control around food.  

As a Non-Diet Dietitian, Body Image Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, I love nothing more than supporting people to find food freedom and peace with their body.

I spent way to long as a slave to diet culture. Decades of my one crazy beautiful life obsessed with chasing a number on the scales.

It stole my time, my money and took a part of my soul in the process.

What a waste!

My whole life changed when I discovered the power of Intuitive Eating and body image healing.

I want that for you too!

You deserve so much more than the endless pursuit of a smaller body.

Join me and an incredible community, on an adventure of self-love, discovery, and true nourishment. 

It's time to drop that body battle rope once and for all.

"Working with Kate was such a successful investment for me. The transformation lied in an incredible shift in mindset that put me on track to look after myself, my body and my food & exercise habits in the most supportive way."

Former Client

"The course I did with Kate was life-changing for me. The sessions and work we did together really helped me reframe my perception of not only my body, but myself as a person. The lessons I learned have impacted my physical and mental health, as well as my relationships with people and in my career. The freedom I feel now is invaluable. I am so thankful to Kate, for her patience, kindness and knowledge."

Former Client


  • You want to learn the principles of Intuitive + Mindful Eating AND how to implement them into your life.
  • You already know about Intuitive + Mindful Eating but are having trouble implementing the principles.
  • You are confused about what healthy eating actually is and the best way to feed and nourish yourself.
  • You know you need to change the dialogue in your head about your body but have no idea where to start.
  • You want to support your children and family to have a peaceful and kind relationship with food and body. Perhaps you are supporting a loved one with an eating disorder and want to learn a different dialogue around food and bodies to support them.
  • You love going at your own pace, with gentle and loving nudges from me to keep up momentum.


  • You have, an active, diagnosed clinical eating disorder and are not receiving treatment. This membership is not a substitute for 1:1 support.  Please reach out if this is you, I can absolutely support you in a 1:1 capacity as a Certified Eating Disorder Dietitian.
  • You are looking for a weight loss plan or quick-fix diet. This community is for folks wanting to ditch diet culture and dive into true self-care. I can't forecast what will happen to your weight, shape or size when you make peace with food and body. I am here to support you through whatever may happen.

The Body Light Collective is designed to help you tune out of diet culture and all the noise that comes along with it.


Once you get to know and respect who you are, we'll teach you how to nurture and protect your inner caregiver as you go through your daily life.


No more diets. No more restrictions. No more misery.


I'm so excited to offer you this very special founding member price. 

As a heartfelt thank you from me to you, your reduced rate is grandfathered as long as you are a member.

No price rises for you EVER!


Doors close for founding member offer at midnight on 31st August 2024.


Monthly Membership


Direct Debit. Cancel at any time.

  • Monthly access to The Body Light Collective Member Platform & online community.
  • Monthly bite-sized modules delivered via short video (or optional audio) format. 
  • Accompanying workbooks,  templates & my signature activities to solidify your learning to help implement each bite module.
  • Access to the growing library of masterclasses and webinars exploring all things food freedom & body peace.
  • A live monthly small group coaching call to dig deeper into your food and body healing. 
  • Price is locked as long as you are a member.

Annual Membership


2 months free + gifts + bonuses

  • Everything included in the monthly membership option plus the following gifts and bonuses.
  • Bonus kick start private coaching call with Kate. To be used by the end of September 2024.
  • Bonus Hard copy version of either;
    • Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Reeche (current 4th edition), or
    • The Body Positive Journal by Virgie Tovar