A chocolate-loving, coffee-drinking, weight-lifting Intuitive Eating, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Nutritionist, Health Coach and the boss lady here at Firefly Nutrition.


I spent way too many decades battling with my weight and self-worth.


Years and years of my life were sacrificed to Weight Watchers, 12wbt, Intermittent Fasting, or whatever else promised me results.


Through Intuitive Eating and HAES frameworks, I healed my weight and body battles, and I want to support you in doing the same.

My life completely changed when I got myself a health coach.


I didn’t know what health coaching was, but it flipped my world upside down.


I needed to share the magic and show people a different way to look after themselves, so my business was born.

It taught me that maybe it wasn’t willpower I needed to stop reaching for the chips.



It taught me that maybe I didn’t need to do back-to-back spin classes to get benefits from exercise.



It taught me it wasn’t another meal plan, cutting out of whole food groups, or the latest calorie tracking app I needed.

It taught me that truly caring for your body doesn’t look the same for you as it does for me, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works for anyone.



It taught me that maybe shrinking my body wasn’t the answer to improving the way I felt about it.